Radiologists are highly trained physicians that specialize in interpreting diagnostic images, including CT (computed tomography), MRI, X-rays, ultrasounds, nuclear medicine, mammograms and fluoroscopy. Some also perform special procedures using the above imaging for guidance to aid in diagnosis or therapy.
Specific tests are done to evaluate how well your body can filter out the contrast. Most commonly, kidney function tests are performed, depending on your risk factors.
This all depends on what diagnostic study you will be getting. Without going into the specifics of each test, each center that BPA works with is ACR (American College of Radiology) accredited. That means that strict appropriateness criteria are being used to image you with radiation “as low as reasonably acheivable (ALARA).” Please go to the National Regulatory Committee’s website, and ACR’s website, for more information.
This depends on what procedure will be performed as well as the severity of possible delayed complications that could arise. You may be able to be discharged immediately after the procedure or you may need to be monitored for several hours afterwards. This will be communicated clearly with you prior to your procedure.
Generally, if the study has anything to do with your belly, or you are getting a procedure done, the answer is, “No.” Typically, for these type of exams, you need to not eat anything for at least 3 hours prior to the study, unless the exam is ordered emergently and waiting for that amount of time is not appropriate.
Sometimes. Your physician who ordered the exam will get a detailed report promptly. Usually, He/she will discuss with you your findings. Your physician knows you and understands your unique medical history and circumstances and is best suited to explain what your test results mean. Of course, if you feel you need to speak to a radiologist, please let your technologist know that before leaving our department.
The short answer is ‘Yes.’ Ultrasounds and MRIs don’t carry any radiation risk. Most of the time these are safe during pregnancy. Radiation based exams such as X-rays and CT’s are typically performed only if emergently needed. Remember, we operate by the ACR standards of ALARA.
That depends on the severity of your reaction. If you had a near death reaction (called an anaphylactic reaction), then you will probably not. Otherwise, depending on what type of reaction you had, you can, but only after being pre-medicated for up to 12 hours prior to the contrasted study being performed.